Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Today is the Day

I woke up this morning to an obnoxious alarm, telling me that I had to start my day. No excuses, you signed up for this bible study, you bought the book, you have told people you are going. Just for a second I thought here is your chance to skip it... just turn the snooze off and fall back to sleep. I passed up that thought and got out of bed, made some coffee and drove to Cornerstone Fellowship (in Livermore).

As I approach the parking lot I see women of many ages walking up to the building. All ages, except mine. Wow I feel out of place. Walking in, I find a seat in the back away from the hoards of people that do know someone there. But beneath all that worry and doubt, and after the beautiful worship, I listen to the words of Priscilla Shirer. They tell me, this is why you are here. You are not here to fit in every where you go, but to follow where God leads you. And sometimes He leads you to places, that you don't fit in. Maybe more often then not you find yourself out of place and, as I see it "alone". But that's just the thing, we do always have someone to talk to when we feel uncomfortable or alone. Sometimes we just don't DO anything about it.

Today is the day to DO something about it.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Melyn! I'm glad you came (:
    Hope you're having a good summer.


Isaiah 54:10

"'Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfalling love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant for peace be removed,' says the Lord, who has compasion on you."
