Sunday, April 18, 2010

Good day to you!

I love getting hugs. I enjoy all the many variations of hugs, from the one armed side hug to my Jr higher's running literally as fast as they can, colliding with me with such force that I nearly fall over hug. I don't exactly know what it is about a hug that comforts me, except maybe the security that runs through my body. I think of a hug as shielding me from the world around, blocking out the stormy clouds, and the fear of the unknown. But, hugs also shield me from myself. My inner turmoil, and insecurity. When I am in someones arms I can let go of the breath I have been holding in and the tension in my muscles release, leaving me at ease.

So imagine having a relationship with Someone and not getting a physical hug from them. If that's how you express your love and you can never give Them a big gracious strong hug. It's hard. It's like you are always holding your breath.

Last week Matt VanCleave was teaching the main congregation at CSF. And he said something that really got me thinking. God is so much a part of us that He can put images or thoughts into our minds. Since then, I have been praying for my relationship with God to grow and for me to be able to hear Him when He is talking to me. And to know all the ways in which He speaks to me.

A few days ago, after praying about this, I took some usual thoughts I might circle around in my head for a while and opened them up to God. He listened while I talked and when I asked Him, "How can I get past this pattern of ungratefulness and emptiness?" He answered. CHANGE in big bold black letters. CHANGE. As in CHANGE your life. You know the patterns of disobedience you fall into and you know what I want for you. My Word says it all.

This morning, during worship for Jr High, I pictured Him walking up to me on a cloud looked me in the eyes, kneeled to my level in front of me and wrapped His arms around me with all of His love and promises holding me tight. He smiled with me and wept with me and loved with me. He did not have to say a word.

<3 Melyn

1 comment:

  1. Hi again Melyn!
    I talked to my sister, Jessica about you last year when we were in that study together. Now you're both working with the jr highers! So cool that you can connect with her now.
    I hope you're doing well.



Isaiah 54:10

"'Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfalling love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant for peace be removed,' says the Lord, who has compasion on you."
